Knowledge Network

The Knowledge Network correlates with the four other identified networks to foster economic growth for the country. The Knowledge Network will be the amalgamation of readily available tourism assets in Jamaica and the skill, knowledge and experience of local and international experts to facilitate the free exchange of tourism related information. The intention is to position Jamaica as the knowledge centre of tourism for the region.
The concept of a Knowledge Network within Jamaica has been brought to life and will actualize, amongst other things, the creation of spaces and events where tourism related knowledge and experiences can be shared and models of excellence within the industry can be promoted.
To foster an effective governance and operational framework that strengthens the tourism knowledge economy to support economic growth and development.
Supports growth and development of Jamaica’s Tourism Knowledge Economy by providing a cradle for creative thinking and innovation.
Stimulates and supports a strengthened tourism product through strategic information leveraged through the network.
Major Initiatives
Knowledge Network Lecture series
◦ SMART Destination Jamaica
◦ Disruptive forces in Tourism
Support for the hosting of international forums including the UNWTO Conference on Tourism, Jobs and Inclusive Growth and the Global Tourism Resilience Crisis Management Centre lecture series