This course provides the student with guidance and experience in a supervised foodservice
setting under the direct supervision of the chef, his/her staff and a Tutor. The primary objective
of this course is to guide each candidate to gain theoretical knowledge, practical experience,
skills and insight to prepare for the American Culinary Federation’s Certified Culinarian
examinations. This programme is a structured experience bringing together academic
knowledge gained in the instructional kitchen and classroom with practical hands-on
participation in various cooking tasks.
The candidate has the opportunity to learn and utilize the following:
- Basic Cooking
- Safety and Sanitation
- Baking and Pastry
- Nutrition
- Basic Culinary Math
- Ethics and Professional Issues
- About the Certified Culinarian Practical Examination.
Students must have an Associate Degree in Culinary Arts, Level 2 Certification or one-year
work experience. All candidates are required to complete approximately 300 hours of
combined practical and theoretical contact time in preparation for the certification exams.